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Digital Archiving and Information Services

Digital Archivy

Digital Archivy

Digital Archivy or archival science is the foundation for organized knowledge about information and recordkeeping. Effectively, this specialized discipline must be combined with relevant knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Without an awareness of digital archivy, its definition, workflows and best practice, information systems cannot be implemented efficiently. Usually, integration is impossible. But it remains a challenge to provide clear instructions for implementation.  Additionally, it may be difficult to determine value.  So instead, we often focus on a strategy and plan that will make digital archiving a useful and successful endeavor.

Digital Archivy and Australian records continuum

Digital Archiving in NYC

Records Continuum Model

The Australian records continuum model identifies records as logical rather than physical entities. Also, the continuum model stresses records used for transactional, evidentiary and memory purposes. In addition, this unified approach provides a multi-dimensional model for archiving and recordkeeping procedures. Consequentially, it also offers a strategy with tactics based on the function of the records—as opposed to an object-oriented perspective. This requires practical, cost-effective solutions that often contradict an object-oriented mindset more familiar to IT professionals. Ostensibly, they often recommend cloud-computing solutions that best address object-oriented tasks.

Recordkeeping Integration

Institutionalizing archivist’s recordkeeping requires integrating active records management into business processes. Further, by doing this, organizations will improve their institutional memory and shared knowledge. Fortunately, these added value continue to draw upon our digital archivy expertise. Based on our knoweldge, we can help you evaluate and implement the most practical, cost-effective solutions with impact. We call this more bank for the buck!

Meanwhile, technological change has accelerated within institutions. For too long, archival programs have been offshoots of smaller departments while an institutions’ IT professionals focus on current and present needs. Experienced archivists have the skills, knowledge and experience to undertake appraisal of electronic records and digital assets. Our digital archivy and expert insight can deliver better, more consistent and scalable solutions.

For a complete list of clients with whom we have worked, please see our Clients List.
Archivaria published an excellent article about digital archiving n 2012.