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Digital Archiving and Information Services


Services for Digital Archiving & Preservation

Digital Archivy provides Digital Archiving & Preservation Services for institutions, archives and archivists. We are moving from a people-centric Information Age to an AI-era ruled by machine-centric algorithms. To address this, some digital archiving services are mission critical. As Big Data gets bigger, it is less controlled. Additional layers and complexities are amplified through info ecosystems. It complicates challenges, and above all, it puts information at risk.

Services in Digital Archiving and Information Management

Digital Archivy is different.  Our services are trusted, user-focused, effective, efficient, practical, and sustainable. We help clients set the record straight, help simplify preservation and access, and make information more valuable and less vulnerable. We provide a variety of services including:

1) Needs Assessments and Recommendation Reports
2) Digital Preservation Strategy and Road Maps
3) Digital Workflows and Training
4) Data Analytics and Insight Reports
5) Launch Proof-of-Concept Digital Preservation and DAM Systems
6) Research and Reference Services

1. Digital Archiving Services – Needs Assessment and Recommendation Reports

Digital Archivy puts years of experience to provide an overview of needs and requirements . We conduct on-site surveys and host discovery interviews that help identify archival needs, goals, requirements and priorities based on each client’s specific circumstances. We aim to design and test user-focused holistic solutions. First-hand observation and interviews help set objectives and goals, KPIs, and establishes timelines and reporting mechanisms.  The recommendations report includes phased approaches to improve systems that are appropriate for different budgets and timelines. (cf. DAM and Digital Asset Management Systems)

2. Digital Preservation Services – Strategy and Implementation Road Maps

Digital Archivy works with clients to review archival policies and record retention schedules.  We also work with stakeholders to help identify the volume and variety of collections and materials and the needs, priorities, and risks. We build on our own knowledge of digital preservation and archival standards and assist stakeholders in determining functional and technical requirements, and developing plans, identifying key dates and deliverables, and designing implementation road maps.  (cf. Digitization in Digital Strategy and Planning)

3. Digital Workflows and Digital Archive Training

Digital Archivy works with clients set up systems and workflows that are effective and ensure consistency, accuracy, reliability and efficiency. From discovery interviews, we identify requirements and goals and develop appropriate guidelines, metadata models and schemas, controlled vocabularies and taxonomies. We draw on experience to find solutions. that are consistent with archival standards. In addition, clients gain intellectual control by using metadata to actively manage digital assets and rights information. We develop efficient and effective workflows that are based on archival standards and best practice, and provide training to staff and volunteers.  (cf: Taxonomy Development)

4. Data Analytics, User Metrics and Insight Reports

We use advanced data analytics tools to measure and quantify big data sets. These tools allow us to identify characteristics, patterns, trends, and anomalies and uncover valuable insights related to users, user metrics, content, and usage.  As a result, data analytics can be leveraged to improve user experience. We help clients understand the data and find ways to improve user experience and optimize performance. Analysis and data visualizations identify users and bottlenecks in data flows and often reveal improvements that can be improved in workflows.

5. Launch Digital Archive / DAM Systems Proof-of-Concepts

Digital Archivy has a proven track record of helping clients create proof-of-concept DAM systems. This allows the archivist to review the requirements of stakeholders and provide a hands-on example for others to see. This is an excellent way to inspire new audiences and show how archival standards add value in consistency, increase efficient workflows, and build responsive and trusted digital repositories. (cf: Talker of the Town Proof-of-Concept Archive)

6. Digital Archiving & Preservation Research and Reference Services

Digital Archivy provides research and reference services in a variety of ways.  In some cases, we host discovery interviews with end users, IT and external vendors to create a shared understanding and language of needs, goals, and requirements.  We also provide clients with research services to locate archival footage and sound recordings for film, collect and share data to grade different DAM and Digital Preservation systems. We have a large network of archivists and librarians who provide subject matter expertise and We provide options that guide clients through a range of challenges: long-term preservation, legal, compliance, access and access restrictions, and more.